Publisher and Synchronisation Contract Template Pack (15 Contracts)


Are you running a music publishing company or acting as a synchronisation agent? For a limited time only, you can download all of our essential music publishing contracts. All of our contract templates are written specifically for professional use. The pack includes drafting notes and comes in Word format so you can easily edit the contract templates.

All our contracts are updated annually by Avenant Law, a specialist music and media law firm, so you can trust your contracts will always be relevant and up to date.

See below for a full list of contracts included.

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What’s included in this pack?

This pack of 12 music publishing contracts includes all of the publisher contract templates listed below. The contract bundle includes exclusive and non-exclusive publishing agreements, trademark and copyright infringement letters, one off publishing agreements and more.

All contracts come as Microsoft Word documents and include drafting notes to help you easily customise them for use.

Watch the video below for information about our contract packs.

1x Exclusive Publishing Agreement
1x Non-disclosure agreement (NDA)
1x Non-exclusive licensing contract
1x Publishing Agreement for Certain Compositions
1x Joint Recording and Publishing Contract
1x Synchronization license contract
1x Master track license contract (for TV)
1x Joint Song-writing Agreement – Joint Works
1x Joint Song-writing Contract – Collective Work
1x Cease and desist letter
1x Letter of claim (for copyright infringement + undertakings)
1x Letter of claim (for trademark Infringement + undertakings)